You ask questions, we answer
Here are the answers to the most common questions received by our Customer Service team on the following issues:
Where can I find ...
With the cost overview, Sympany makes it easier for you to complete your tax return. You automatically receive this in the January of the following year and can download it at any time in the mySympany customer portal and app. (Tip: filter your documents by “Tax statement”.)
You receive all documents such as your policy, premium invoices etc. online in the mySympany customer portal and app. (Tip: filter your documents by “Policy”.)
You can find your premium invoices in the mySympany customer portal and app. (Tip: Filter your documents by “Premium invoices”.) Important:
- Premium invoices are sent at the end of the month in each case and are to be paid in advance.
- Exception: you will receive your January premium invoice in mid-December.
Good to know: If you pay at the post office counter, fees will be charged. We recommend eBill, LSV or CH-DD - they allow you to pay conveniently, punctually and without additional costs.
You will normally receive your insurance card about six weeks after taking out insurance – and can access it, in digital form, any time you wish in mySympany.
Questions about premiums and policies
You will receive this about two weeks after taking out new insurance or modifying existing insurance. You can also access the policy via the mySympany customer portal.
The amount of your premium depends on many factors. We have put together some ways you can save money.
In some cases, you may be entitled to a premium reduction.
Young adults move to a different premium band with a lower discount when they turn 19 or 26. This is prescribed by the Federal Law on Sickness Insurance (KVG).
More on moving between age bands and tips on how to save on premiums >
Questions about products and services
Health insurance covers the costs of emergency treatment (illness or accident) during a temporary stay abroad. An emergency is defined as requiring medical treatment during a temporary stay abroad which cannot wait until your scheduled return journey and when a special return journey would be disproportionate. Your first port of call in the event of an emergency is our 24-hour emergency helpline. Our staff will provide information about the course of action you should take if you fall ill or suffer an accident abroad. |
24-hour emergency helpline: for medical emergencies (illness or accident) abroad
+41 41 480 44 22 (normal phone charges apply) |
Travel within the EU/EFTA (not including your country of residence): |
The scope of benefits will be in line with the laws of the country in which treatment is provided. The cost contribution will also correspond to that country’s regulations. In most cases, costs must be paid in person. The cost contribution granted in Switzerland will not apply. The cost contribution paid will also not count towards your excess or deductible in Switzerland.
Benefits are insured in accordance with the social tariff for the general ward in the country where you are staying. Present the reverse side of your insurance card at the hospital. Useful information for border commuters: |
Travel outside of the EU/EFTA: |
A maximum of double the costs that would have been incurred in Switzerland will be reimbursed. It is worthwhile taking out special travel health insurance, especially if you are going to certain overseas destinations (such as the USA). This will protect you against any extremely high treatment costs you might incur.
Tip: Travel health insurance tourist Our tourist travel health insurance gives you peace of mind whenever you travel. Add extra protection and better benefits for emergencies, transport and rescue operations. Useful information for border commuters:Only residents of Switzerland can take out supplementary insurance. To find the right supplementary insurance for your needs, get in touch with an advisor in your country of residence or with your cross-border commuter insurance provider. |
That depends entirely on the model you choose, as each model works according to its own rules. The Savings models page provides an overview. On the individual model pages you can find out exactly how you should proceed in the event of illness, when you need a referral and also what happens if you do not adhere to the agreed rules.
Visit our accident insurance page for all the key information.
If necessary, you can change your accident cover directly in the mySympany customer portal and app. To do this, tap on the “Insurances” button at the bottom of the overview and then on the pencil icon next to your current accident cover.
Basic insurance
When do I need to modify my insurance by?
- Switching models or choosing a lower excess: Notification by 30 November. The change takes effect as of 1 January of the following year.
- Higher excess: Notification by 31 December. The change takes effect as of 1 January of the following year.
How do I do this?
You can make these changes yourself in mySympany. For details, please visit the page on switching insurance models or changing the excess.
Please note: The notification by telephone or post must be received by Sympany by no later than 5 pm on the last working day before these deadlines.
Supplementary insurance
When do I need to modify my insurance by?
- Higher cover: can be done on the first day of the following month
- Lower cover: the change may be made as of 1 January of any given year. This involves cancelling the current, higher cover (ensuring any notice period is observed) and applying in turn for the new, lower amount.
Notice period where there is a change of premium: special notice to be given by 28 November 2025, 17.00.
Notice period where there is no change of premium: ordinary notice to be given by 30 September 2025, 17.00.
Exception for multiple-year contracts: If the premium remains the same, it is only possible to apply for lower cover in the final year of the policy term. If the premium changes, it is also possible to apply for lower cover throughout the term.
How do I do this?
For more information, visit the switching insurance models page.
Important: The postmark date does NOT apply to cancellations. What counts is the date your notice of cancellation reaches the insurer.
You can easily change your family doctor or HMO practice in the mySympany customer portal and app. To do this, tap on the “Insurances” button at the bottom of the overview and then on the pencil icon next to your current practice.
Please contact your preferred centre in advance to check whether it is currently accepting new patients.
euroline policyholders can see a doctor in both Switzerland and their country of residence. In the case of treatment in Switzerland, they are entitled to benefits associated with compulsory basic insurance.
Questions about mySympany (customer portal and app)
Change your deductible with just a few clicks? This is available in mySympany – as will changing your doctor’s practice or changing your accident cover. This allows you to solve many issues relating to your basic insurance yourself.
- In the mySympany app or on the website: click “Forgotten password”
- Make sure you have not added a blank space after the policyholder number by accident