Compulsory Swiss basic insurance from your health insurance provider
The same benefits for everyone
Whether it’s illness, accident or maternity – any comparison of health insurance providers soon shows that the standard benefits of all basic insurance models are identical throughout Switzerland. That is required by law. Sympany covers all the benefits of compulsory basic insurance. You will bear a small and limited proportion of the costs yourself in accordance with the law. If you increase your personal share, your health insurance premiums will decrease. More information on cost contribution >
A comparison of Sympany’s basic insurance policies
Save on your health insurance premiums
Increase your franchise
The higher the franchise, the lower the premium.
Choose saving model
Instead of classic, choose one of our premium-saving models with a premium discount.*
Exclude accidents
If you work at least eight hours per week, you will pay up to 7% lower premiums.
The main benefits of basic insurance
- Hospital treatment: general ward (multiple-occupancy rooms) according to the list of hospitals of your canton of residence
- Outpatient treatment: treatment given by doctors, chiropractors and medical practitioners (as prescribed by a doctor)
- Medication: according to the statutory lists of medicines as prescribed by a doctor
- Alternative medicine: acupuncture, anthroposophic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), classic homoeopathy and phytotherapy
- Emergencies abroad: outpatient and inpatient (multiple-occupancy room)
- Aids: such as prescription glasses/contact lenses (up to 18 years of age): CHF 180 per year
- ...
What’s included in compulsory basic insurance?
We are happy to advise you! But how much detail are we able to provide you with?
You can find a summary of the most important information here >
You can also find a more detailed benefit overview in this PDF >
And for those who want to know absolutely everything, you can find our General Terms and Conditions of Insurance here >
According to the law, your excess is the maximum annual contribution you’ll have to pay yourself for treatment costs. For adults, this is CHF 300 per year (children access treatment for free). If you increase your excess, your premiums will decrease.
For additional yearly treatment costs (higher than the excess), the deductible shall apply. In this case, Sympany will pay 90% of the costs. You will bear 10% of the costs, but only up to a maximum of CHF 700 per year (children: CHF 350 per year). For any additional benefits, you no longer pay any deductible (as part of your treatment costs package).
In principle, yes. The exception: if you work for the same employer for at least eight hours per week, you are insured for occupational and non-occupational accidents with them. You can therefore exclude accident risk from your compulsory basic insurance while you are employed. Your premium will then reduce by 7%.
If you temporarily travel abroad (for example on holiday), certain benefits of your Swiss basic insurance are carried over. There are different conditions for cost coverage depending on the country:
- In EU/EEA countries: If you have an emergency in these countries, you are entitled to medically necessary treatment that cannot be delayed until your return for illness, accident or pregnancy (in accordance with the social tariff of the country in question). If a cost contribution is incurred, you will generally have to pay there and then. This will not be counted towards the cost contribution in Switzerland – the cost contribution in Switzerland does not apply in this case. If you claim a medical benefit while abroad in Europe, you will have to present your European Health Insurance Card. This can be found on the reverse of your Swiss insurance card.
- Outside of the EU/EFTA: In emergencies, a maximum of double the costs that would have been incurred in Switzerland will be covered. In the event of a hospital stay, Swiss basic insurance will cover up to 90% of the costs.
Our tip: Before undergoing treatment abroad, make sure that Sympany will cover the costs of treatment. More information about the 24-hour emergency helpline: for medical emergencies abroad >
Important information about the following benefits:
- Medication: The costs of medication purchased abroad are only covered if they are incurred as a result of an acute illness.
- Transport: Basic insurance only covers part of the costs of medical transport (50% up to a maximum of CHF 500) and search and recovery costs (50% up to a maximum of CHF 5,000). Return transport to Switzerland (repatriation) is not insured.
- Elective medical procedures: Planned treatment abroad will not be reimbursed. Exception: the required treatment is not available in Switzerland or the waiting list is too long. In these cases, your doctor must submit a justified application to our medical examiner’s office, which will then decide whether the costs will be covered.
Sympany recommends: tourist travel health insurance
tourist travel health insurance covers the costs of doctor’s and hospital visits that are not covered by basic insurance. Anywhere. Find out more >
The statutory notice periods are the same for all health insurers. Please note: the cancellation notice must be received by your current health insurance provider on the last working day before the end of the notice period:
- All basic insurance policies: cancellation with effect from 31 December with a one-month notice period.
- Standard model (free choice of doctor and a franchise of CHF 300): also cancellation with effect from 30 June with a three-month notice period.
Small and large extras tailored to your wishes: supplementary insurance
This could involve a particularly high level of cover or even medication not covered by statutory health insurance. And perhaps you value the highest possible level of comfort in hospital. Sympany health insurance can provide customised offers for all your requirements.
Supplementary hospital insurance
Choose your hospital and more, just how you like it.
Supplementary outpatient insurance
The supplementary insurance for preventative measures and popular extras.
Supplementary dental insurance
Minimal dental costs, the best benefits.
Sympany premium calculator
The best insurance for every life situation