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Savings models

The alternative models for basic insurance

Anyone who is ill wants rapid medical assistance. Needs vary, but luckily there is the right insurance policy for every need – even with a premium discount. What are premium-saving models and why are they cheaper?

The premium discount: why do we have it?

As well as traditional basic insurance with a free choice of doctor there is also a range of alternative insurance models we call Managed Care models. The difference: if you have a health complaint, you always consult a specific contact in the first instance – a family doctor or HMO centre, a pharmacist or a Medgate telephone/video consultation, depending on your model. They will then determine an appropriate treatment plan for you.

You get the care you need with no red tape or unnecessary investigations. This will keep healthcare costs and in turn your premiums lower.

Sympany offers these savings models

The individual model pages tell you what to do if you have a health complaint, if you need a referral, and much more besides.

Premium reduction
Premium reduction
Premium reduction
Premium reduction
Premium reduction
Premium reduction
Binding first contact
Binding first contact
Binding first contact
Binding first contact
Binding first contact
Binding first contact

Sympany monitors compliance with the rules – both by law and out of fairness towards other policyholders. Anyone who disregards the rules will face financial consequences (e.g. because they need to be moved to a traditional basic insurance plan and no switch is possible for a year or because they have to cover treatment costs if they repeatedly disregard the rules).

Premium calculator health insurance