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Merger of Vivao Sympany AG, Moove Sympany AG and Kolping Krankenkasse AG

The Sympany brand includes several different insurance companies. As of 1 January Sympany has taken a step to simplify our setup and merged Moove Sympany AG and Kolping Krankenkasse AG with Vivao Sympany AG on 1 January 2024. Since then, only Vivao Sympany AG offers basic insurance and daily sickness allowance policies. Vivao Sympany AG takes on all rights and obligations of Moove Sympany AG and Kolping Krankenkasse AG. The merger has been carried out in coordination with the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).

llustration Merger of Vivao Sympany AG, Moove Sympany AG and Kolping Krankenkasse AG

What will change for policyholders?

Since 1 January 2024 you are automatically insured with Vivao Sympany AG. Your insurance cover, entitlements and our services will remain unchanged.

The supplementary insurance policies offered by Sympany Versicherungen AG are not affected by this merger.

View terms and conditions of insurance

Other questions and answers

If you do not wish to be insured with Vivao Sympany AG, you may cancel your basic insurance and/or daily sickness allowance policy. 

You may only cancel your basic insurance policy if all outstanding amounts have been paid. Any outstanding amounts owed to Moove Sympany AG and Kolping Krankenkasse AG shall be transferred to Vivao Sympany AG, and debt enforcement proceedings and certificates of loss will continue to apply.

The three Sympany insurance companies Vivao Sympany AG, Moove Sympany AG and Kolping Krankenkasse AG have hardly differed in their premiums and offerings. This merger has led to a larger number of policyholders in a single company. This helps to develop premiums in an overall more stable and sustainable way.

The merger also helped to simplify Sympany’s health insurance offering: there is now only one Sympany company offering basic insurance and daily sickness allowance, instead of three.

The merger only affected basic insurance and daily sickness allowance. Supplementary insurance policies were not affected. They will continue to be provided by the Sympany Versicherungen AG insurance company.

Premium calculator health insurance