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Kinderspitex Nordwestschweiz

Kinderspitex Nordwestschweiz (north-western Switzerland) cares for and supports sick children and young people – including those with psychiatric disabilities and illnesses.

Kinderspitex Nordwestschweiz is a non-profit association with a public service mandate in the municipalities and cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, Aargau and Solothurn. Qualified employees provide needs-based care for sick children and young people in their home environment. The services are aimed at sick, injured and disabled children, from infants to young people.

Psychiatric care is an important part of this work, but it is little known to the public.

Psychiatric care for children and young people: increasing need

Demand for psychiatric care for children and young people has increased significantly, particularly since the coronavirus pandemic. However, there is a lack of inpatient facilities to meet this need. This is why even severely ill children often have to wait a very long time for therapy.

Diseases in which children are confronted with a complex psychiatric diagnosis are also on the rise. The assessments often take a long time and are complicated, and the care and monitoring of these children is extremely intensive and demanding.

Support for the whole family

Kinderspitex Nordwestschweiz makes a very important contribution here. By working with the children and young people at home, it supports the whole family, because the entire family system is always affected when mental illnesses occur.

Professional care and help for those affected

The Sympany Foundation supports the “Paediatric psychiatric care” project run by Kinderspitex Nordwestschweiz. With its contribution, it finances psychiatric services for children and young people. Kinderspitex is the only organisation in the region to offer these services and they are not covered elsewhere.

In particular, this includes intensive and therefore time-consuming discussions with the affected children and young people as well as case supervision, which supports the nurses in their often stressful work.

A Sympany Foundation project.