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Facts and Figures

Sympany has around 298,000 private customers, some 247,300 of whom have basic insurance cover, all of them served by 619 employees.

Key figures


Premiums and benefits 2023 2022
Total premium volume* CHF 1,159 m. CHF 1,020 m.
of which compulsory health insurance (OKP) CHF 918 m. CHF 788 m.
Net benefits paid** CHF 1,058 m. CHF 989 m.
Reserves and provisions
Actuarial provisions CHF 503 m. CHF 465 m.
Provision quota 47.5% 47.0%
Reserves as per OKP CHF 79 m. CHF 143 m.
Reserve ratio as per OKP 8.6% 18.2%
Shareholders’ equity CHF 372 m. CHF 430 m.
Equity as a percentage of premium income 32.1% 42.2%
Net profit before allocation to surplus fund CHF –56.9 m. CHF –61.2 m.
Allocated to surplus fund CHF 1.3 m. CHF 0.4 m.
Net profit after allocation to surplus fund CHF –58.2 m. CHF –61.5 m.
Employees 619 656
Full-time equivalent 560 593
Customers 01.01.2024 01.01.2023
Private customers 298,003 287,045
with basic insurance KVG 247,260 239,217


Detailed figures can be found in the full annual report (in German).

All figures are rounded individually.

* The premium volume refers to the earned gross premiums for own account.

** Net benefits include all benefits except reinsurers' benefits, i.e. benefits, cost sharing and other benefit expenses.

Premium calculator health insurance