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Sitios collects and publishes information on the accessibility of buildings in Switzerland. This benefits people in wheelchairs, families with pushchairs or older people, for example.

People with disabilities or age-related restrictions make up around 20% of the total Swiss population. The vision of Sitios is for them all to be able to move around independently.

Together with its partner organisations, Sitios aims to bundle all information relevant to the accessibility of venues and make it publicly visible using the digital platform “ginto”. This removes unnecessary barriers.

Accessibility: collecting data and making it usable

Many places are not accessible for people with a disability. In order to plan a trip, a visit to the therapy practice or a dinner with friends in a restaurant independently, people with a disability need a wide range of information about the accessibility of buildings.

Sitios makes it easy to collect, publish and use this information in different applications.

How is the data collected?

The report of the “10 vor 10” programme shows how volunteers in Basel collect relevant accessibility information and enter the data into the “ginto” app (video in German):

From the “10 vor 10” programme on 10 May 2019
From the “10 vor 10” programme on 10 May 2019

Accessibility of healthcare facilities

Accessibility information from around 15,000 locations is already available online – mostly from the hotel and catering sectors. In a next step, the conditions in healthcare facilities, e.g. doctor’s or physiotherapy practices, will also be recorded. After all, medical appointments are also associated with both large and small hurdles for many people.

The Sympany Foundation contributes to the costs of project planning and recording this data in healthcare facilities in north-western Switzerland.

A Sympany Foundation project.
