Treatment in Germany: frequently asked questions
Cross-border co-operation between BS / BL- Lörrach county
Discuss your wish for treatment in a German partner clinic with your doctor or with the contact person in the hospital.
Or contact Sympany’s customer service department on +41 58 262 42 00 for individual advice.
Project “Treatment in Germany”
- Basic insurance with Sympany: you do not pay any franchise.
- Supplementary hospital insurance with Sympany: covers various additional services, depending on the level of insurance.
Other contract clinics
- Fundamentally, supplementary hospital insurance from hospita semi-private with Sympany, in certain cases also with hospita general for all of Switzerland.
There is a range of clinics and treatments available and there are various options for rehabilitative treatment (orthopaedic, cardiac, geriatric, oncological) in our partner clinics in Bad Bellingen, Bad Krozingen and Badenweiler. Various acute treatments are also available on an in-patient and out-patient basis: e.g. orthopaedic surgery, gynaecology and obstetrics, geriatric medicine, psychosomatic care, paediatrics.
More information from the Department of Health of the Canton of Basel-Stadt (in German) >
Project “Treatment in Germany”
Anyone with Sympany insurance who lives in the cantons of Basel city and Basel region and has basic insurance with Sympany.
Other contract clinics
Any Sympany customers with supplementary hospital insurance.