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Information about hospitals without collective agreements (hospital lists)

With private or semi-private supplementary hospital insurance from Sympany, you enjoy a free choice of all hospitals and doctors across Switzerland. However, we require that the hospital, institution or non-resident doctor you choose has concluded a collective agreement with us.

Collective agreements improve quality and lower costs

Sympany makes every effort to keep increases in healthcare costs, and therefore your premiums, as low as possible. But quality of treatment is, of course, our top priority. With the aim of keeping premiums as low as possible for all insured persons, Sympany therefore conducts regular tariff negotiations with each individual hospital, just like every other health insurance company.

Sometimes, however, the price expectations are too far apart or the prices demanded for the additional services in the private and semi-private departments are not justified. In this case, a collective agreement can temporarily not be concluded. This means that Sympany does not cover the costs for certain supplementary insurance benefits or for individual departments in the hospital concerned, or only up to a certain upper limit.

Maximum tariff list

For inpatient treatment in the semi-private ward of the following hospitals, Sympany only covers costs up to a certain upper limit. This applies exclusively to insured persons with the following supplementary hospital insurance policies:

  • hospita semi-private and hospita flex semi-private with a policy start date before 1 January 2022 (the Special Terms and Conditions 2021 apply)
  • private supplement for inpatient treatment
  • flex kolping
  • kombi
Canton Hospital
BS Bethesda Spital AG

You will find the details of your supplementary hospital insurance on your policy and in mySympany.

Negative list

Sympany cannot assume any costs for inpatient treatment in the private and semi-private wards of the following hospitals. This applies exclusively to insured persons with the following supplementary hospital insurance with a policy start date from 1 January 2022 (the Special Terms and Conditions 2022 apply):

  • hospita comfort
  • hospita flex
  • hospita global
  • hospita private
  • hospita private accident
  • hospita semi-private
Canton Hospital Category
BS Bethesda Spital AG Listed on the cantonal list of hospitals

Not affected are:

  • inpatient treatment in the general ward of a hospital on the cantonal list of hospitals
  • outpatient treatment
  • the above-mentioned supplementary hospital insurances with a policy start date before 1 January 2022 (the Special Terms and Conditions 2021 apply)
  • all other supplementary hospitalisation insurances

You will find the details of your supplementary hospital insurance on your policy and in mySympany.

Hospitals without cost coverage

Sympany does not cover the costs of hospitals that are not on any cantonal list of hospitals or that are not contractual hospitals. Neither from basic nor supplementary insurance:

Canton Hospital Category

Clinique La Prairie

Laclinic Montreux

Clinique Bon Port Biotonus

Clinique MV SANTÉ Beaumont SA

Not on the cantonal list of hospitals

Not on the cantonal list of hospitals

Not on the cantonal list of hospitals

Not on the cantonal list of hospitals

Hospitals with limited cost coverage

For inpatient treatment in the private and semi-private wards of the following hospitals, Sympany only assumes the costs in accordance with the cantonal service mandate. Sympany does not assume any costs for treatment without a cantonal service mandate.

Canton Hospital
GE Clinique Générale-Beaulieu, Genève

MN Clinique de Genolier, Genolier

Clinique de Montchoisi, Lausanne


Privatklinik Lindberg, Winterthur

Privatklinik Bethanien, Zürich

Premium calculator health insurance