Sacha Geier
Member of the Foundation Board since 1 January 2021
Born on 21 July 1970
Dr. med., MBA
Chairwoman of the Board of nextchange AG, Glarus Nord
What I stand for
An improved, active approach to chronic illness, i.e. one that takes a holistic view that includes the up- and downstream aspects of acute somatic diseases. This poses a challenge not only to medicine, but also to the healthcare system and society as a whole.
Core areas of expertise
Dr Geier is a doctor of medicine and a specialist in anaesthesiology and intensive care who has built up many years of hands-on experience in a hospital environment. In addition, she is specialised in change and lean management in healthcare.
Positions on Boards of Directors
- Chairwoman of the Board of Spital Uster AG, Uster
- Member of the Board of Hotel Heiden AG, Heiden
- Member of the Board of Kantonsspital Baden AG, Baden
- Member of the Board of Sanacare AG, Winterthur
- Member of the Board of SRO AG (Spital Region Oberaargau AG), Langenthal
- Member of the Board of Steriplus AG, Kaltbrunn
Functions and offices held
- Member of the Advisory Board of heyPatient AG, Winterthur
- Knowledge Partner Roy C. Hitchman AG, Executive Search, Zurich